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The CAB® ability test measures the particular innate ability of an individual to perform all of the the basic functions required in the professional life.

The test that makes the difference

The CAB® Aptitude Test is widely applied in the field of career guidance as well as in the field of human resources development and organization because it measures accurately and clearly identifies the specific abilities of each individual .

Τεστ-Ικανοτήτων-CAB Τεστ Ικανοτήτων – Classic Abilities Battery (CAB)

Meet the CAB Test

The Classic Abilities Battery (CAB) is one of the three categories of tests included in ISON Psychometrica's e-mellon orientation programme. The CAB battery measures the examinee's innate ability to perform basic functions required in professional life, while helping to discover the aptitudes and areas in which he or she is most effective and succeeds with greater ease.

CAB psychometric ability tests are particularly useful, as they help people gain a greater understanding of their capabilities and increase their self-awareness. This makes a decisive contribution to decision-making about career choice, and to planning and shaping careers.

Method of completion

With paper & pencil. The administration includes the test booklets and the corresponding sheet answer sheet

Scoring methods

The scoring of the CAB® test is done using a computer. The answer sheets are passed through scanner to specialised software to the computer, where the raw scores are converted into stens.

Scoring methods

Produced Charts

The ability tests are the following competences are tested separately

Mathematical ability
Ability to reason deductively
Understanding of engineering principles and data
Perception of space
Ability to organise ideas
Language ability
Facility object recognition
Ability to generate ideas
Originality of thought
Ability to memorise using associations
Ability to memorise with mechanical way
Speed and accuracy of perception
Ison-key-innovator Abilities Test - Classic Abilities Battery (CAB)

Key Innovator - European Commission's Innovation Radar Team

It was with great pleasure that we were informed of our honorary distinction as a Key Innovator by the European Commission.

The EU Innovation Radar caught the pioneering use of artificial intelligence and serious games (gamification) methodology to capture professional abilities regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc.


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