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Complete Career Guidance

A service for all from the Vocational Guidance Center!

emellon-ison-επαγγελματικοσ-προσανατολισμοσ Επαγγελματικός Προσανατολισμός & Ψυχομετρικά Τεστ
Young people found their career path
Trained Career Guidance Counsellors
ISON years

Why Career Guidance?

Έχεις αναρωτηθεί ποτέ τι πραγματικά χρειάζεται για να βρει κανείς το επάγγελμα που του ταιριάζει; Μπορεί κάποιος με χαμηλές επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες να εργαστεί ως υπεύθυνος δημοσίων σχέσεων; Κάποιος που τείνει να λαμβάνει αποφάσεις με βάση το συναίσθημα, είναι δυνατόν να γίνει τραπεζίτης; Αυτός που δίνει μεγαλύτερη έμφαση στο να έχει περισσότερο ελεύθερο χρόνο είναι δυνατόν να λάβει τις ίδιες αποφάσεις με αυτόν που θέτει ως προτεραιότητα τις οικονομικές απολαβές ή την κοινωνική αναγνώριση;

Η σωστή επιλογή καριέρας είναι μια δύσκολη και απαιτητική διαδικασία, καθώς ο άνθρωπος και το επάγγελμα που θα επιλέξει θα πρέπει να παραλληλίζονται σε διάφορα επίπεδα. Υπό αυτό το πρίσμα, η υποστήριξη του ατόμου στην εν λόγω διαδικασία μέσω των κατάλληλων μέσων και υπηρεσιών καθίσταται αναγκαία και επιτακτική.

Η ISON, με 33+ χρόνια εμπειρίας στον Επαγγελματικό Προσανατολισμό, διακρίνεται για την αποτελεσματικότητα των υπηρεσιών της λόγω της εξειδικευμένης επιστημονικής τεχνογνωσίας που εφαρμόζει σε θέματα μέτρησης της ανθρώπινης συμπεριφοράς, σε συνδυασμό με μια εκτεταμένη εμπειρία και βαθιά κατανόηση του σύγχρονου επιχειρησιακού περιβάλλοντος. Η τεχνογνωσία αυτή, μεταξύ άλλων, περιλαμβάνει την αποκλειστική χρήση ψυχομετρικών τεστ, σταθμισμένων στον ελληνικό πληθυσμό.

Με τα ψυχομετρικά αυτά εργαλεία έχει αναπτυχθεί το πιο ολοκληρωμένο Τεστ Επαγγελματικού Προσανατολισμού στην Ελλάδα: το e-mellon. Το πρωτοποριακό αυτό τεστ αποτελεί μια συστοιχία ψυχομετρικών εργαλείων που μετρούν την προσωπικότητα, τις ικανότητες, και τα ενδιαφέροντα των υποψηφίων, ενώ, όταν αυτό κρίνεται απαραίτητο, χορηγείται επίσης και το αντίστοιχο τεστ αξιών και κινήτρων. 

Δείτε όλα τα τεστ μας με ένα κλικ.

See the tests used in the e-mellon program

The results of the PTQ personality test help the examinees to obtain an objective picture of their personality traits, and to link them directly to specific educational fields and professional categories. As a result, they can, with greater confidence, choose between professions that are in line with their personality traits in order to pursue educational and professional paths that are in line with their identity and offer them opportunities to fulfil their full potential.

PTQ is based on Carl Jung's "Theory of Psychological Types", which argues that individuals perceive the world through four fundamental psychological functions – sensation, intuition, emotion, and thought. The specific functions are more or less dominant in each person, and are expressed differently depending on their degree of extraversion and introversion.

The PTQ tool describes each person's attitude towards the following areas:

Self-improvement and development of executives

Activation: Introversion or Extroversion

Mode of Perception: Sensation or Intuition

Decision: Logic or Emotion,

Action: Organization or Adaptation

Let's see how each of these features affect the preferences of the person in the work environment:


Prefers variety and action

Enjoys interacting with people

Develops their ideas through discussion

Learns through discussion and practice

Interested in learning how others do their job


He follows his instincts

He likes to invent new methods

Wants to solve new, complex problems

Prefers change


Focuses on relationships with others

Use values to understand what's going on and make decisions

Seeks harmony and support among his colleagues

Prefers to compromise and reach a common consensus, rather than engage in friction


Likes to work spontaneously

He feels restricted when he has to follow certain programs and rules

Leaves things as open as he can

It focuses on enjoying the process of a project, and not so much on its completion

He wants to have flexibility in his work

The e-mellon aptitude tests measure a person's innate ability to perform the basic functions required in professional life. They reveal the inclinations of the examinee, as well as the areas in which he copes with greater ease and is most effective. The methodology followed is of the American Institute for the Analysis of Personality and Abilities (IRAT), is weighted in the Greek population, and has been used with absolute success in thousands of cases in Greece. The development of the CAB aptitude tests was based on the theory of cognitive abilities of Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC). This theory is the most comprehensive and empirically supported psychometric theory of the structure of cognitive abilities to date.

The tests are used extensively to help people gain a greater understanding of their potential in order to increase their self-awareness, and to facilitate their career planning and decision-making.

This exam includes 10 short Aptitude tests and helps students discover their innate talents. Each of these Competencies is necessary for performance in a variety of professional activities.

The CAB array measures:

Subtractive ability – Logical thinking

Observation and ability to recognize objects

Use numbers

Associative Memory

Ability to perceive space

Speed and accuracy of perception

Ability to express oneself

Check spelling

The aim of the VIS2 interest test is to help the examinee acquire the necessary self-awareness to make the right decisions for their future, and to answer the crucial question "what do I like to do the most, and what less?".

The presentation of the results is based on two categorizations:

Holland categorisation (1959,1997).

Categorization based on 24 professional categories.

Holland categorization:

Realistic Formula

The realistic-practical type includes people who prefer realistic and practical occupations and activities, use tangible things such as power, money and social class, usually lack abilities to handle subtle human relationships, consider themselves technically oriented, avoid activities in the social and educational field, and generally prefer positive, technical and mechanical professional directions.

Research Press

The research-intellectual type includes people who possess observational, symbolic, or organizational abilities and avoid social activities. Such individuals usually choose scientific and mathematical professional directions.

Business Press

The business type includes those who tend to exploit others to obtain goods. They turn, mainly, towards leadership positions in organizations or businesses, and consider themselves active, talkative, social, and popular. They seek political influences and seek recognition and evolution by all means.

Social Press

The social type includes people who abhor systematic activities or those that require the manual use of machines, materials and tools. On the contrary, they prefer areas related to social or educational activities.

Artistic Press

The artistic type includes those individuals who lean towards free, unplanned, non-aligned, aesthetic activities in general, which lead to creative and original results. Language, music, drama, writing, and art in general are some of the activities preferred by people of this type.

Organizational Type

The organizational-conventional type includes people who love order, the systematic keeping of things, such as records or materials, and abhor free, dubious and generally unsystematic activities. People of this type prefer mainly clerical professions.

Categorization based on 24 professional categories:


The history of the KEP

She has many pioneering activities in the field of Career Counselling and Professional Guidance:

- In 1996 he initiated the use of psychometric tools for Career Counseling in all the continuing education programs implemented by the Ministry of Education (GGLE) throughout Greece.
- In 1997 he was selected as a Greek partner of OIPartners, the then largest consortium of Career Counselors in the world.
- In 1998 he convened the European Conference of Career Counsellors in Greece, where he launched for the first time in Greece the Outplacement Services in the presence of the then President of the GSEE, the then President of EVEA and the political leadership of the Ministry of Labour.
- In 1999 he wrote for the Pedagogical Institute the first Occupational Guide with 400 occupational monographs.
- In 2000 he wrote the first occupational monographs for the OAED.
- In 2001 he undertook the national evaluation of the European Leonardo da Vinci programme for the training-employment link.
- In 2002 he undertook the PHOENIX programme for the training of Intercultural Counsellors with trainers from Italy and the Netherlands.
- In 2003 it provided personalised services to all students of multicultural schools in Athens.
- In 2004 it evaluated the activity of the Liaison Office of the University of Piraeus and Democritus University, and launched cooperation with the Liaison Offices of the Aristotle University and the TEI of Athens, Thessaloniki and Florina.
- In 2005 he completes the writing of the first monographs of professions for the National Centre for Vocational Guidance.
- In the period 2006-2008 its staff members participate in the elaboration of the studies carried out by the Institute of Vocational Guidance and Career Development for the formulation of the Ministry of Education's policy on Vocational Guidance.
- Since 2007 until today it participates in a number of European projects on the fight against unemployment and the development of Career Counsellors on a pan-European level.

ISON also has partnerships with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the European Association of Management.

Read about Career Guidance


The e-mellon™ Career Guidance program takes you out of the impasse and gives you the certainty that you are getting substantial support where you need it. Gain confidence and certainty so that you can move forward on the path of studies and professional life with confidence.

With the services of ISON's Career Guidance Center, you will be equipped with the tools to make the right decisions both now and in the future, in the uncertain work landscape of tomorrow.

The programs are individual, for young people from 14 years old. If the young person is a minor, the parents participate and take an active part in the final discussion with the specialized Career Scientific Advisor.

At the end of the program, a Detailed Results Report is delivered with all the conclusions and proposals for studies and professions.

Exploring opinions and perceptions, expressing wishes and any difficulties

Completion of introductory information of the interested party

Educational Data of the examinee

Professional Values Questionnaire


Aptitude Tests (10 short timed tests)

Professional Interests Test

Motivation Test

Personality Test

Delivery and explanation of results, discussion and conclusions.

If the young person is a minor, the parents also participate in the discussion.

Delivery of detailed report

How are the results presented?

The European dimension of ISON Psychometrica Vocational Guidance

1st State Award for Vocational Guidance!

The innovative educational serious game that excited the students at the Arsakeio of Patras and was presented at the conference of Elefsyp - Hellenic Society of Counselling and Guidance, was awarded the first prize in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which gives special importance to the careful planning of the career of the new generation.

ISON, with partners from five other European countries, designed and implemented the C-Game, which was awarded in the framework of the Erasmus+ of the European Commission.


 Guide for the Certification of Qualifications of Vocational Guidance Counsellors

The pioneering project IMPROVE is an international project that aims to create a Certification Guide for Informal Training of Vocational Guidance Counsellors in accordance with the European Directives described by CEDEFOP. 

ISON, with partners from other European countries, designed and implemented IMPROVE within the framework of the Erasmus+ of the European Commission.

What they said about us!

Exclusively at ISON

Register now & get an early registration discount! Call us at 2106420001 or email us at [email protected].

Key Innovator: European Commision

It was with great pleasure that we were informed of our honorary distinction as a Key Innovator by the European Commission.

The EU Innovation Radar caught the pioneering use of artificial intelligence and serious games (gamification) methodology to capture professional abilities regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc.

Ison-key-innovator Επαγγελματικός Προσανατολισμός & Ψυχομετρικά Τεστ

The C-Game Project is an OECD Case Study

Το c-game, που δημιουργήθηκε με την συνεργασία της ISON και εταίρων από Τσεχία, Σλοβακία και Βουλγαρία, προτείνεται από τον Οργανισμό Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης (ΟΟΣΑ) για τον Επαγγελματικό Προσανατολισμό παιδιών προεφηβικής ηλικίας.

Στην Ελλάδα, το έχει αξιοποιήσει ως τώρα το Αρσάκειο της Πάτρας.

Είναι η νέα διεθνής διάκριση της ISON, μετά την αναγνώρισή της ως Key Innovator από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή.

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Those who are in the professional arena learn with us the appropriate method to progress andgain self-knowledge and self-confidence in order to achieve the professional position they deserve.

Call us at 2106420001 or email us at [email protected].

Call the 2106420001 or email the [email protected] to book the face-to-face or online Career Guidance program.

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