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HR services

Human Resources Selection Staff assessment 360° assessment Performance evaluation we4you™ Psychological employee support Human Resources Development Change management

Human Resources Services

We are here to help you discover and bring out the potential of your people, but also of yourself. Enhance your life with the right tools and services and get unstuck. Trust us and you will see how you can make the best decisions about everything related to those around you and yourself.


Human Resources Selection System

Through the Human Resources Selection System, ISON provides you with services tailored to modern workplace developments, which allow you to save time and money in the sourcing and evaluation of candidates.
The competitive advantage of this process is that the sourcing and evaluation of candidates is carried out with a practical combination of methods.
Our partners use it for positions of responsibility at all levels, from newcomers to the labour market to those who are in the process of being recruited.

Σύστημα-Επιλογής-Ανθρώπινου-Δυναμικού​​ Υπηρεσίες για Επιχειρήσεις


Attracting candidates

Modern search using social media (Social Media Recruiting)

Systematic listing of advertisements on high traffic job search sites

Search for suitable candidates through our personal networks (Word of Mouth)



Collection and evaluation of CVs

Individual interviews

Profiling of the most suitable candidates through psychometric tests

Formulation of comparative results


Staff Evaluation System

The Personnel Evaluation System proposed by ISON is an effective tool both for highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of candidates and for improving the productivity and efficiency of existing staff, contributing to the achievement of your company's objectives. In addition, through this system it becomes possible to identify potential employee education and training needs.

In this way, you can ensure that the people around your company have the skills and qualifications that will help it thrive and excel in the competitive environment of today's workplace.

The assessment of examinees follows different schedules, depending on the level and the job. ISON uses a reliable model for assessing a combination of attributes based on the specific needs of your company, which takes into account personality traits, values, motivation, skills and professional behaviour, in order to form a complete picture of each candidate. Establishing the desired characteristics and the extent to which they are displayed can be done by combining the results through:

Σύστημα-Αξιολόγησης-Προσωπικού-1024x538 Υπηρεσίες για Επιχειρήσεις

Personality (5) & Values and Motivation test

Skills test (12)

Special Corporate Evaluations

Management Style Identification Test (SAS-RI®)

Working Climate Questionnaire (OSI®)

Leadership Questionnaire (LOQ®)

Formulation of comparative results


Evaluation System 360

Sometimes the only way to see yourself clearly is through the eyes of others

The efficiency and cooperation of your staff is crucial for the development of the organisation. Of equal importance is the continuous evaluation of supervisors and their leadership skills. The 360° Leadership Survey Assessment System proposed by ISON is a reliable method of assessing a wide range of leadership skills capable of shaping effective leadership. The System provides feedback on the competencies and characteristics of senior and top managers, as perceived by both the managers themselves and their colleagues. Initially, participants self-assess in order to familiarise themselves with the content of the process, and then each participant assesses the others in turn.

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ISON's 360° Leadership Survey has proven to be very practical and useful, as it can be used for:

Self-improvement and development of executives

The design and implementation of systems suitable for improving efficiency

The outplacement (Outplacement)

The delegation of specific objects of responsibility

The emergence of individualized educational and developmental needs

The correlation of performance with the company's objectives


Performance Evaluation System

Objective staff appraisal leads to Growth and Success

We are confident that your Management is setting ambitious goals for the operation and development of the company. However, unless the objectives are communicated, employee commitment is secured and a concrete action plan is put in place, they cannot be put into practice. Performance Appraisal contributes significantly to achieving your goals by being a compass for every employee. This process ensures personal development, which helps to increase job satisfaction, motivation and loyalty to the company. ISON's Performance Evaluation System is a reliable method of measuring employee performance in terms of type, volume, time and quality of work. Performance Evaluation Questionnaires are tailored to your characteristics and needs and involve the evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative data.
Indicative items include the following:

Verification of the suitability of workers

Making the right use of skills and talents

Recording difficulties regarding workflow

Outcome measurement and benchmarking

Obedience to the rules


Problem solving

Communication Skills & Consistency

From the results you can identify the training and development needs of your employees, while benefiting the examinees by providing them with feedback for their career development. It also helps you make decisions regarding promotions, transfers, redundancies and fringe benefits.

Team Building

Conflict Management

Staff motivation

Management of Work Stress

Negotiation techniques

Leadership Development & Communication Skills

Time Management

Development of Emotional Intelligence

Internal Executive Coaching

Career Counselling


we4you™ – Employee Advisory Support

In an effort to contribute to the improvement of the efficiency, as well as the quality of employees' everyday life, we have created a service of Psychological Counseling Support for Employees and their Family Members - we4you™. The mental and physical health of employees affects work performance and productivity. Intense tension, stress, and pressure due to deadlines or workloads are emotions experienced daily in the work environment. Furthermore, difficulties in family and/or interpersonal relationships affect workers' functioning.

we4you™ is a service offered by ISON with the aim of better addressing everyday problems at work or at home and empowering employees and the people in their immediate environment.

we4you™, with the assistance of suitably trained specialists, gives the opportunity to employees and their family members to deal with issues and difficulties of everyday life and enhance their mental well-being.


For the Man - Worker

Immediate psychological relief of the beneficiary from everyday issues that concern him/her (e.g. anxiety, fears, etc.)

Strengthening mental resilience

Managing difficult emotions and situations


For your Company or Organisation

Enhancing the work performance and productivity of employees

Enhancing job satisfaction and a better working climate

Strengthening the competitive profile and advantage of the company/organisation

Formulation of comparative results


Outplacement (Outplacement)

Hard roads often lead to better destinations

Outplacement programmes are considered to be one of the most important benefits offered by companies to employees in cases of termination of their cooperation. They support and guide individuals to reintegrate into the labour market while ensuring a positive image of the company. ISON's Workplace Orientation Program provides significant benefits to both the departing employee and your company. The main benefits for you are facilitating the employee's separation process, enhancing your Corporate Social Responsibility profile, reducing litigation and supporting those who announce the termination of employment. As for the employee who leaves, they are given access to career opportunities and receive practical help in managing the loss, accepting the situation, exploring the market and seeking new job prospects. We use a practical combination of counselling - support methods, depending on the level, job and time of support agreed, which is broken down into the following stages:

Management of Loss of Employment

Specialized ISON counselors help the leaver to cope with the various stages of frustration marked by emotional, mental, behavioral and physical changes.

Analysis of Subjective Data

The design and implementation of systems suitable for improving efficiency

Training in Job Search Techniques

Training of the stakeholder by a specialized consultant in the strategy of target identification and systematic guidance in the methodology of achieving it.


A crucial stage for people attempting to enter a new workplace or for people making attempts to start a new job of their own.

Encouragement (Coaching)

It is related to work performance and efficiency, where the person learns to focus on his/her work and not to be distracted by various external factors.


Human Resources Development & Empowerment System

The ever-changing market demands require the continuous Development and Empowerment of Human Resources in order to cope effectively with the new conditions, to maintain its competitive advantage and to contribute to the continuation of a successful course of the company. The reasons why it is necessary to retrain and lifelong learning of employees include:

"anticipating" the necessary knowledge and skills that will be needed in the future

increasing the responsibilities of jobs

smooth adaptation to organisational changes

the development of professional skills

strengthening business planning

The Development & Empowerment System proposed by ISON is designed according to your specific requirements in order to improve the specific skills according to the needs of the job, which play a decisive role in the quality of the output and work performance.


Change Management

The secret of change is to channel your energy not by fighting the old, but by building the new

In today's economic environment, characterized by instability, rapid changes and unpredictable technological and organizational developments, preparation for the assimilation and management of change is imperative for any company looking to last and establish itself in the market.

Companies with Human Resources capable of adapting easily and immediately to new conditions gain a significant advantage over their competitors and can ensure their sustainability. Often, lack of information, fear of the unknown and of failure, unwillingness to experiment and treating changing conditions as 'threatening' both to the employee and to the development of the organisation can lead to resistance to change. Role changes are supported by systematic and focused coaching, while mentoring is provided at the highest positions in the hierarchy to reshape the overall perspective and philosophy of the managers.

ISON has the experience and infrastructure to support you in Change Management cases by implementing an effective plan tailored to your organization's corporate objectives and standards, in order to positively influence the attitudes of employees towards the changes that may take place in the organization, by reshaping its structure and environment.

Mergers and acquisitions

Culture change

Restructuring of business processes

Change of policies

Changes in the organisational structure


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