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1. Introduction

The "" website (hereinafter: "the Website") uses cookies and other similar technologies in order to ensure its proper operation, to improve the services provided and to record your preferences. With this Cookies Policy (hereinafter the "Policy") we seek to fully inform you about the cookies installed on the Website, how they work and your choices in relation to them.

2. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by the server of a website on the terminal device (computer, mobile phone, etc.) of a visitor/user while browsing the website. The website then retrieves this information on each visit in order to offer relevant services.

2.1 Depending on the services provided, cookies are divided into the following categories:

Functional cookies

Cookies of this category are necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the Website. The purpose of these cookies is to keep information about the user, such as information about the preservation of his/her session after logging in, as well as the visitor/user's preferences regarding the use of optional cookies.

Cookies in this category can be placed without your consent.

Statistical cookies

Cookies of this category are used to track traffic, searches and traffic on the Website. With these cookies we obtain information about the operation of our website.

We always ask for your consent to place these cookies. You are free to refuse their placement.

Advertising cookies

Cookies in this category enable us to record your preferences and interests when you browse the Website, so that relevant advertisements can be shown to you.

We always ask for your permission to place these cookies. You are free to refuse their placement.

2.2 Depending on their duration, cookies can be divided into the following categories:

Persistent cookies ("persistent cookies")

These cookies are stored on your device and are not automatically deleted once you close your browser, but remain stored until they are deleted (automatically or on your own initiative).

Session cookies ("session cookies")

Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser.

3. Preferences

On your initial visit to the Website, you will be presented with a pop-up window with a brief description of the cookies we use. In this pop-up window you can choose your preferences regarding the setting of cookies.

You can manage your cookie preferences at any time by clicking here.

In addition, you can manage your cookie preferences and opt out of the collection of your data through the following websites:

4. Cookies list

The following list lists the cookies used on the Website, as well as some basic information about them.

4.1 Functional cookies

Name PurposeDuration
Jscache_varyRegisters the user's role as a simple user or administrator.2 days
elementorIt is used within the WordPress theme of the site. The cookie allows the site owner to implement or change the content of the site in real time. Permanent
litespeed_docrefThis cookie is necessary for the cache function (hidden memory). The cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the visitor and the website.Session
rc::aThis cookie allows the user to be identified as a real person or bot.Permanent
rc::cThis cookie allows the user to be identified as a real person or bot.Session
testcookieUsed to determine whether the user's browser supports cookies.1 day

4.2 Cookie statistics

_clckCollects data about the user's navigation and behaviour on the website. It is used to compile statistical reports for the website owner.1 year
_clskCollects data about the user's navigation and behaviour on the website.1 day
_cltkCollects data about the user's navigation and behaviour on the website.Session
_gaGenerates statistical data about how the user uses the Website through a unique ID.2 years
_ga_#It is used by Google Analytics to record the number of times a user has visited the Website, as well as dates for the first and most recent visit.2 years
_gatUsed by Google Analytics to limit the rate of requests.1 day
gidGenerates statistical data about how the user uses the Website through a unique ID.1 day
c.gifCollects data about the user's navigation and behaviour on the website. It is used to compile statistical reports for the website owner.Session
CLIDCollects data about the user's navigation and behaviour on the website. It is used to compile statistical reports for the website owner.1 year

4.3 Advertising cookies

_fbpUsed by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time bidding by third-party advertisers3 months
_gcl_auUsed by Google AdSense to experiment with the effectiveness of advertising on sites using the services.3 months
ads/ga-audiencesUsed to detect if the user intends to leave the page through cursor movements. This allows the site to enable certain pop-ups to keep the user on the site.Session
ANONCHKRecords data on visitors from multiple visits and across multiple sites. This information is used to measure the effectiveness of advertising on websites.1 year
IDEUsed by Google Doubleclick to record and report the actions of the website user after viewing or clicking on one of the advertiser's ads in order to measure the effectiveness of an ad and present targeted ads to the user1 year
MRIt is used to track visitors to multiple websites in order to present relevant advertising based on the visitor's preferences.7 days
OTHERIt is widely used by Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie allows user tracking by synchronizing the identifier across many Microsoft domains.1 year
SMIt records a unique identifier that identifies the user's device during repeat visits to websites using the same ad network. The identifier is used to enable targeted ads.Session
SRM_BIt monitors the user's interaction with the site's search engine. This data can be used to present the user with relevant products or services.1 year
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