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ISON Psychometrica – STRENGTh Project

ISON Psychometrica focuses on the Human Factor by providing reliable tools and services that allow for better decision making on all issues related to human behavior and performance. Vocational Guidance and Professionals’ Guidance has been one of the company’s core counselling services, acknowledging early on their high value in the individuals’ personal reflection, professional growth and upskilling needs.

For this reason, ISON provides intensive training programs and seminars to vocational education and career orientation professionals. This program provides training in modern counseling methodologies and psychometric tools of career guidance (e-mellon®), as well as the opportunity of obtaining a career guidance certification from the Vocational Guidance Center of ISON Psychometrica.

Acknowledging, first hand, the ever-changing and growing demands that guidance practitioners face ISON is committed to supporting them, by participating in the STRENGTh project. The STRENGTh project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (No 2019-1-RO01-KA202-063198) targets career counsellors and career guidance practitioners working in the fields of education, training and employment, both in public or private sector, focusing to increase their Social and Emotional competences.

The project aims at developing an innovative training program for improving social-emotional competences in guidance and career counselling area. Through this, guidance practitioners are expected to acquire transversal and social skills in order for them to improve their effectiveness and furthermore the employability both of themselves and their clients’ as well.

For more information about our Training Programs and Seminars, see here.
For more information about the STRENGTh project, see here.


Hochschule der Bunderagentur für Arbeit (Germany) HAMK University of Applied Sciences, HAMK Edu Research Unit (Finland) Studio risorse S.r.l. (Italy) Centrul Național pentru Politici și Evaluare în Educație (CNPEE) Uniao das Freguesias de Gondomar (SCOSME) Valbom E Jovim (Portugal) Foundation of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE Foundation) (Netherlands) ISON Psychometrica (Greece)

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