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Total Mindfulness Bright Minds: mindfulness for children

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Why Total Mindfulness - Bright Minds?

Today's children must be prepared to live in an environment that we cannot predict, an environment that is constantly changing.

It is therefore more necessary than ever for young people to acquire in good time the skills that modern times require: skills that, on the one hand, will enable them to cope with the demands of everyday life and, on the other, will help them to live a full and happy life.

For these reasons, highly trained Mindfulness Instructors are needed, who have studied in depth what Mindfulness really means and how its practice can benefit children and adolescents.

Participation cost: 260€

Discounts: The cost is 230 euros for students, unemployed or with early registration up to one week before the start of the seminar.

For more information about the training you can see here

Alternatively, to guarantee your place in this seminar, you must send us a copy of the deposit of 50€ to the Ison Psychometrica account at the National Bank of Greece 14147045760 (IBAN GR2401101410000014147045760), via e-mail to

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Who we are

ISON focuses on the human factor.

Our objective is to improve the functionality of individuals or groups, providing services and means to make better decisions, for the benefit of themselves and the systems to which they belong. Our services are addressed to organizations of all kinds, professionals in human behavior, as well as the general public.

Responding to modern requirements, we offer our organizational, reorganizational, and utilization of human resources services, to both foreign and Greek, as well as private and public entities.

In addition to providing Systemic Counseling services, ISON is a pioneer in Career Guidance and Career Counseling, in the publication & distribution of psychometric tests, and in the organization of special professional trainings. ISON's know-how brings tangible results in increased performance and satisfaction, by improving the employee's relationship with their job, their interpersonal relationships, as well as through the best ways to organize and adjust their work environment.


ISON has a network of relationships with important institutions, with which it cooperates both in terms of know-how and project processing. It publishes and distributes exclusively in Greek the famous psychometric tests of the University of Minnesota and Harvard University. It has exclusive rights for the Greek language in methodologies of the European Business Administration Association (EMA). It is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management and sponsors the 450 tests of the 50 companies with which it cooperates.

For over 10 years we have carried out in Greece, Cyprus and other neighboring countries, the projects of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the world's first company in Career Change Management, of Right Management Consultants, and other international firms specializing in change management. Since 1998 in Greece, we have represented CFI, the International Association of Career Counsellors, and we have participated in the International Association for Educational & Career Guidance and the European Association for Career Guidance.

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The deposit can be transferred for participation in the next seminar.

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