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ISON Psychometrica – NADINE Horizon 2020 Project

European program NADINE – Career/Vocational Guidance for refugees

ISON Psychometrica focuses on the Human Factor by providing reliable tools and services that allow for better decision making on all issues related to human behavior and performance. Career and Vocational Guidance has been among the company’s core counselling services, acknowledging early on its high value in the individuals’ personal reflection, professional path and upskilling needs.

For this reason, the program JOB One 1 targets adults whether unemployed or employed undergoing career change or redefinition of professional goals. The ultimate goal is the scientific guidance of the interested party regarding the business areas where he / she could find employment, work productively and gain professional satisfaction, as well as the proper preparation for the job search and selection interview.

The program is developed in four steps: Capturing the subjective characteristics of the interested party, exploring labour market opportunities, Matching opportunities offered to personal characteristics and Offering techniques for successfully claiming the desired job. Acknowledging that continuous vocational guidance is extremely important to all adults regardless of background and professional stand, ISON is raising the bar, participating in a three-year Horizon 2020 innovation project which harnesses the potential of big data and AI to support migrant integration across Europe.

The NADINE project (GA No 822601 develops a platform providing services to all interested parties, namely migrants, local authorities, state organizations and employers. Migrants will have access to a career guidance platform, an e-portofolio builder, skills assessment tools, educational games, social services platform and communication with authorities through a chatbox.

Local and national authorities will be able to map labor market demands, facilities and social services matching them with migrants’ labour supply and access. Primary, real-time information will be made available for supporting policy decision making. Data about local services and migrants will feed user-friendly tools for employability and career guidance, whilst assessing supply and demand of migrants’ skills.

Apart from psychometric testing, the platform will also focus on the social, educational and cultural needs of migrants and how these fit to existing services offered by local hosts. Overall, the system will allow public authorities and guidance professionals to offer a personalized service to migrants based on real needs and the opportunities available to them.

For more information about the JOB one 1 program, see here.
For more information about the NADINE project, see here.


image-2-1024x310 ISON Psychometrica - NADINE Horizon 2020 Project

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